Baby Development Month-on-Month: A Milestone Guide
Your baby is a unique little person. They will grow and develop in his or her own way and at their own pace. Below is a timeline of physical milestones you can use as a guide for what you may expect to see in your little one from month-to-month.
Just remember, there’s a wide range of what’s considered ‘normal’ baby development, so if you’re concerned about your baby’s progress, have a chat with your doctor or maternal health nurse.
Month-on-month guide
One month
- Able to grasp a finger
- Can turn head to the side when lying on tummy
- Arms and legs kick and wave but with little control
Two months
- Can hold head up for short periods when on tummy
- May turn head to follow movement of objects
- Holds head steady when upright
Three months
- Can raise up head and chest when on tummy
- Sits with support on your lap
- Arm and leg movements are smoother and more deliberate
Four months
- Supports self on forearms or outstretched arms during tummy time
- Holds head steady when supported to sit
- Rolls from side to side when on tummy
Five months
- Bears some weight on legs
- Sits supported for long periods
- Can bring feet to mouth and enjoys playing with hands and feet
- May roll in one direction
Six months
- Rolls in both directions
- Sits well in a chair
- Preparing to crawl getting onto hands and knees
Seven months
- Sits without support
- Makes lunge-like attempts at crawling
- Attempts to pick objects up
Eight months
- Crawing better
- May stand whilst holding on
- May pick objects up and pass them from hand to hand
Nine months
- Begins to move while standing (cruise)
- May try to use thumb and fore finger to pick up objects (pincer grasp)
- Bangs, throws and drops objects
Ten months
- Crawls and cruises well
- Pulls self to standing
- Well developed pincer grasp
- Waves goodbye
Eleven months
- May be able to stand alone for brief moments
- Can put objects into containers
- Can bend down while standing
Twelve months
- May begin to take first steps unaided
- Can indicate with gestures what they want
As your baby progresses through key development milestones, ensuring that their food journey also progresses is important. Rafferty’s Garden is here to support a positive start on your baby’s food journey with nutritious and delicious products, free from nasties.